Monday, February 27, 2012

50 Pounds

I finally lost 50 pounds, 52 to be exact! I had been hovering around 42-46 for the last few weeks and I guess they call this a "plateau". I talked in an earlier post about how important a person's diet is in regards to getting healthy. I could spend every day in the gym with no success as long as I ate like I was 16 years old, so it's now a two front war; Exercise & Diet. So I  found this out on the 11th, 3 months in, which still puts me on pace for 200 in 12 months. I AM GONNA DO THIS!

**** UPDATE ****
I weighed in on the 25th and after staying at the same weight the previous week (18th), and I lost 5 more pounds, that puts me a little above 411 lbs. That's around 57 pounds that I'm not carrying around anymore! I am finally starting to notice a difference in how I feel and how I move.

So I am caught-up as far as my posts are concerned with this whole getting healthy-thing. I will start updating at least once-a-week. I think my posts will start being a little more detailed since I am not writing from memory. I really appreciate whoever takes the time to read this as I move forward towards my goal.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work! Keep it up! And see, I read blogs, so keep me updated.
